Sunday, September 13, 2009


China has been on my heart lately. I returned from a "vision trip" in June and have not thought much about a return trip. About a week ago I started having dreams about China. I thought nothing of it. Two nights ago, I was driving home at 11pm and an overwhelming feeling came over me to call the President of our missions organization and tell him "China is going to happen". Even though we do not have plans for a return trip, funding, or team members, I truly felt for no other reason besides the Spirit showing me, "China WILL happen". Today I attended church. After the service I was having casual conversation with a friend about how I have felt about China. He told me he had been feeling the same way. He said he knew of several people who would like to join a mission team to China. Since that time, I have had several people contact me about this trip. Some have previously travelled to China up to 7 times, others have never been.

I am not positive on where the Spirit is leading this, but for only the second time in my short life as a Christian, I feel overwhelmed that the Spirit of God is doing something that I had absolutely no part in accomplishing on my own.

China is a very sad land of oppression and mind-control. These people are desperate for hope and understand a happiness beyond the glory this world has to offer. The area of China which has been on my heart is a remote area high in the Himalayan mountains in Tibet. This is one of the most beautiful places on earth and filled with beautiful, peaceful Tibetan people. The only problem is they have not heard the name of Jesus.

If you would like to participate in this trip you can do so by contacting me through this blog, or contacting a "To Every Nation" team member at

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